Safer Spaces Guidlines

For this document, we use the following definitions:

Transgender or trans includes anyone whose lived gender or gender identity is different from that assigned to them. Non-binary, genderqueer, gender fluid and agender people, as well as non-transitioning transgender people are fully included and equal under this definition. We include all intersex people who identify under the trans umbrella.

Cis means not transgender or transsexual.

Note: We acknowledge that gender variance is described differently in other times and cultures – our aim is neither to erase or appropriate, but to learn from, these ways of describing gender

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  • Trans people are who they say they are.

    Trans people (and all people) are the experts on their own lives.

    One trans person cannot know about or speak for all trans people.

    Trans people should be supported to speak for themselves, not spoken for by cis people except as respectful, informed allies.

  • There is a kind of oppression that only happens to trans people. We stand against that oppression.

    “Cis privilege” is a valid way of talking about the absence of trans related oppression.

    Cis people can be oppressed in other ways, but not because they are cis.

    Only trans people get to define how they are oppressed and how they will be liberated.

  • Trans people need us to support, accept and not exclude them.

    It is our responsibility to learn about trans issues from trans people.

    We need to challenge all words that belittle, undermine, disrespectfully theorise about, objectify, sexualise or ridicule trans people.

    Cis people should respect and support trans people to voice their oppression, needs and differences.

    Feminism has a role to promote good/better practice for trans safer spaces.

    Creating safer spaces means listening to and respecting concerns over triggers, sensitivity, mis-gendering and use of language.

  • Trans people need full representation on LGBT issues.

    We need to consult the trans community when developing projects and services that may affect them.

  • Trans people come from all walks of life and are subject to all other forms of oppression – other oppressions complicate trans oppression.

    There are lots of ways to be a binary or non-binary trans person – all valid, all equal.

    Trans people have rights to access free medical treatment, or not, in a way that is right for them – their body, their rules.

    Colonialist views on gender have erased support of gender variance that exists in other cultures.

  • Trans children have the same rights as all children.

    It is wrong to equate the socialisation experience of a trans girl with that of a boy, and vice versa.

    Parents of trans children share their children’s struggle and also need the support of allies.